Almost all vitamins and minerals can be found in the skin, which once again confirms that skin and body have the same needs. Vitamins and minerals serve as a biological “ignition spark” to run certain processes.
Vitamin A – plays an important role in the formation of new cells in the upper skin layer. If there is a lack of vitamin A, keratinisation of the skin is disturbed and the skin becomes rough. Beta-carotene, a vitamin A pre-cursor, is very important for sun tolerance and helps the skin to better cope with ultraviolet rays.
Vitamin C – takes part in the formation of collagen fibers in the connective tissue. In addition, it is able to neutralize free radicals that accelerate the skin ageing process. The need for vitamin C may vary considerably depending on lifestyles. Smokers, for example, expend 40% more vitamin C than non-smokers, so their intake of vitamin C should be greater even if their diet is balanced.
Vitamin E also captures free radicals and has a positive effect on the skin even when used topically. Of course, food should also contain a sufficient amount of this vitamin. Sprouted wheat, vegetable oils, egg yolk and soybean products are particularly rich in vitamin E.
Vitamin F is now sometimes called a “skin vitamin”. This substance is very important for the skin. But the question in this case is not about this vitamin, but of fatty acids, essences, which are contained in burdock, sunflower or other vegetable oils obtained with the help of soft technology.
What functions certain minerals and microelements perform in the body and what happens during this process is still being studied. It has long been known that certain minerals (e.g., sodium and potassium) are responsible for fluid pressure in tissues, and hence for skin elasticity. The skin could not produce pigmentation substances without copper. In case of iron deficiency, the skin becomes dry and the nails become fragile. Zinc is a component of many enzymes required for protein metabolism. Magnesium maintains the permeability and at the same time stability of cell walls. Phosphorus plays an important role in the energy supply, and selenium (particularly in combination with vitamin E) catches free radicals.
All vitamins and minerals are contained in regular meals. If you eat a variety of foods, then your skin most likely receives all you need for the formation of new cells and support of active ones.
Generally, the skin can do without external nourishment. However, there is one fine point, at least concerning the top layer of skin, the epidermis. Since the epidermis has none of its own blood vessels in contrast to the lower skin layers, it has to be supplied by the capillaries in the boundary layer of the dermis. The close coupling of the two layers of the skin, ensuring a good supply, over the years becomes more thin and weak. This may lead to an insufficient flow of oxygen and nutrients to the epidermis. Compensation for this deficiency is one of the most important tasks of cosmetics.